Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Vietnamese Pork Chop: Take 1.

So, I've been kicking around, trying to find new food ideas and I decided I was going to cook with lemongrass because fuck it, why not? So, I bought some at the store, and jumped on to Google for some inspiration. Well, as inspiration would have it, lemongrass is often used in Vietnamese foods, including grilled pork chops, and I just happened to have 2+ pounds of pork in the freezer, shoulder chops at that (good shit!). So, I get to scouring for recipes. Man, you can tell the white people recipes from the real thing. If half the page isn't at least in a language and alphabet that you can't make shit out of? Keep on moving.

So, here's the site that I found, and luckily for me (and maybe Not for poor Eric) she has a YouTube channel too.
Below is a finished plate from my own kitchen. To Me, the shit was ON. to Eric, it was "kind of mild, if not unseasoned" or perhaps "too subtle". Admittedly, I didn't scale up the marinade recipe for the amount of pork that I'd had, as again, new ingredients and shit. I won't make that mistake a second time. Also to note, this stuff gets So thrown up three notches on the "I love you" scale when you put a big ol' pile of Sriracha hot chili paste on it. Gotta love the cock sauce.

Breakdown of the plate: Big Ass Pork Chop (BAPC) probably 1/2 if not 3/4 of a pound. Our package had 3 of these bitches. 2 sunny side up eggs. If you won't do SSU, I suggest at least over easy, the runniness (or liquid chicken to one friend) of the yolk really adds to the over all flavor of the rice/pork/egg, especially with cock sauce (yes, I like saying cock sauce). And a nicely shaped And portioned 3/4 cup of cooked rice. Just your average, run of the mill 25 lb bag from the Asian grocery rice.

All in all, I'd rate this first run probably a 7.5 out of 10. The pork was Super juicy and tender, the eggs were really good and I just love rice. However, the stand out flavors were too mild. I'll take it up a notch or three next time.

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