Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rachel' Creperie. Now with service.

Another local loving, that I have only Recently allowed myself to like is Rachel’s Creperie.
I will admit, I hold grudges. I especially hold food grudges. When I go out to eat, I don’t expect anything that I feel is out of the ordinary. I expect fair quality food, decent service, and reasonable prices. I have, and will again, pay as much as 40+$ for a meal for Just myself, if I feel the value is there. What I Won’t do, is sit for 40 minutes at a table without so much as a menu and a glass of water.
So begins my revue of Rachel’s Creperie.

Since up to now, on the personal side, has been laying groundwork for who I am, as a person as it relates to just about everything, here I will lay the groundwork for this review. September 25th is my birthday. Two years ago, my partner Eric invited 5 or 6 internet friends up from the DC metroplex who we knew via online to share and celebrate with us. Rachel’s has been around for some time, and when you’d like to “impress the out of towners”, you want to take them somewhere nice. Rachel’s certainly appeared to meet that need.
The three cars full of us (4 bigger guys, 2 little guys, what a party) find parking, roll over to Rachel’s, request a table, are sat outside (it was Really nice out too) and that is honestly about as far as it went. We sat there, and continued to sit there. Eric started to feel a sugar crash coming on. I started to feel a case of the ass coming on, so we got up and left. That was strike 1.

Down the line, over the next two years, Eric and I tried again and again to get me fed at Rachel’s. He works nearby, so he and his boss go semi-often, and they love the food, and Eric assures me, that if I just give them a try, so will I. So, after 4 unsuccessful attempts to get fed there, I start modifying the name in conversations to more derogatory versions. Like I said, I hold a grudge.

Anyway, on to the food. The night that Eric and I had such a fantastic meal at Mucho Mexico, I passed up on the ultimate-flan, in favor of attempting dessert at Rachel’s. I reluctantly hiked my butt up there, we couldn’t tell if they were open or not as it was sort of dark, but we saw folks eating, checked our phone’s clocks vs the time to close on the door, and headed in.
I was happy to have been seated: inside, with menus, and water+drink order in under 5 minutes.
Now, to say that Rachel’s is kind of hipster, is to say that Kanye can be kind of rude at the Grammy Awards. If it’s chocolate up in this place, it’s probably Nutella, and this is Not a bad thing. I Love Nutella, and have ever since the darling hubby exposed me to it’s goodness. Now, being me, I have to go weird. I will usually or at least seemingly go out of my way to order the weirdest shit on the menu, just to see if I like it.Tonight, I ordered the “Spicy Chili Nutella Cocoa”.
i was not disappointed. This was Good, like Really good, hug a hipster good. It was smooth, rich, just a hint of hazelnut, chilli, and cinnamon. Then, looking over the menu, I settled on what I thought would be the ultimate dessert for me. Cinnamon Apple Dulche De Leche Crepe. Alas, this was not only the perfect crepe for me, but it was also my downfall.

Please, don’t misunderstand, this crepe was everything there is to love about the combination of flavors between cinnamon, caramel, and apple. The crepe itself was fused with good quality cinnamon, it was filled with both the dulche de leche, and 3 if not 4 variations of thinly sliced, raw, fresh apple, and then dusted with powdered sugar, and drizzled with yet more caramel.
My mistake, and it is exclusively mine, was, that I’d ordered two items that featured hot, spicy flavors. Too much of a good thing can be fantastic, this time it was not. As I ate my crepe, I looked up with a big ol’ grin at Eric and said, “man, I could honestly eat this, Every  Day, and not tire of it”. This was the honest truth too. I Just looked at the menu, but unfortunately, their prices are not online (Hipster!) but the descriptions are, and they are SO good. If you can get them.
So anyway, the problem: I had warm, creamy spicy crepe, I also had warm, creamy, spicy cocoa and therefor, I had too much Warm! The spices in the cocoa started to directly conflict with the spices in the crepe and the only loser in this battle were my taste buds. I ended up abandoning the cocoa in favor of the crepe, as I can get spicy cocoa just about anywhere, but I'm not going to get a crepe this good anywhere else. I still believe I made the right choice.

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