Wednesday, February 13, 2013

An opening dedication, to what was, what is, and what may be.

First, this blog may or may not take off. I'm random enough to never know.

That said, there are folks who need mention.

First: I'd like to extend my everlasting thanks and appreciation to the Doutt family of Columbia, PA. I'm sure that they're no longer in that area of town, but growing up, they showed me both kindness and compassion, when they could have simply sent me on my way. My best friend Jason, died when I was around 14, making him around 13-15. He died of complications from AIDS in the early 80's and to this day, I still regret not attending his funerary services. I simply couldn't make myself go. I felt to the very depth of my soul that it was My fault that he'd gotten the illness (via blood transfusion), simply because I was gay.
I as an adult, realize that this is neither real, nor fair, but explaining that to a moody, bipolar, gay teen is not going to happen.
The other thing about Mrs Doutt (Sally was her name) is that she introduced me to ramen noodles. She would often make her kids "Oodles of Noodles" made by Nissan Foods (they're now called Top Ramen). If not for her, I'd have never been exposed to noodles and my undying love of them.

Additionally, I'd like to actually thank Nissan Foods Inc. for taking a very Japanese food, and bastardizing it to American tastes, so my love affair had a target.

And finally, but certainly importantly, I'd like to thank my wonderful partner, Eric Patton. Without him, I simply wouldn't be sitting here today. He took what was, at best a rocky friendship, and built it up. Took me when I was at my absolute lowest, and carried me along, until I could once again stand on my own two feet.
I love you sweetie.

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